A Murder is Announced
To Ralph and Ann Newman
at whose house I first tasted --- "Delicious Death!"
Collins, London, Jun. 1950
Daily Express, Feb.28-Mar.11 1950
Dodd, Mead & Co., New York, Jun. 1950


The villagers of Chipping Cleghorn, including Miss Marple, are agog with curiosity over an advertisement in the local gazette which reads: 'A Murder is Announced and will take place on Friday October 29th, at Little Paddocks at 6.30 p.m..'
A childish practical joke? Or a hoax intended to scare poor Letitia Blacklock? Unable to resist the mysterious invitation, a crowd begins to gather at Little Paddocks at the appointed time when, without warning, the lights go out...


1. A Murder is Announced • 2. Breakfast at Little Paddocks • 3. At 6.30 p.m. • 4. The Royal Spa Hotel • 5. Miss Blacklock and Miss Bunner • 6. Julia, Mitzi and Patrick • 7. Among Those Present • 8. Enter Miss Marple • 9. Concerning a Door • 10. Pip and Emma • 11. Miss Marple Comes to Tea • 12. Morning Activities in Chipping Cleghorn • 13. Morning Activities in Chipping Cleghorn (continued) • 14. Excursion into the Past • 15. Delicious Death • 16. Inspector Craddock Returns • 17. The Album • 18. The Letters • 19. Reconstruction of the Crime • 20. Miss Marple is Missing • 21. Three Women • 22. The Truth • 23. Evening at the Vicarage • Epilogue


Miss Jane Marple • Miss Blacklock • Miss Dora 'Bunny' Bunner • Patrick Simmons • Julia Simmons • Phillipa Haymes • Colonel Easterbrook • Mrs Easterbrook • Edmund Swettenham • Mrs Swettenham • Miss Hinchcliffe • Miss Murgatroyd • Rev.Harmon • Mrs Harmon • Rudi Scherz • Det.Insp.Craddock • Rydesdale • Belle Goedler • Myrna Harris • Det.Sgt Fletcher • Rowlandson • Sister McClelland

A Murder is Announced (play)

Full Length Play / Drama(Mystery/Thriller)
adapted by Leslie Darbon at the Vaudeville Theatre, London, on September 21, 1977.
First presented by Peter Saunders at the Theatre Royal, Brighton; and subsequently at the Vaudeville Theatre, London, on 21st September 1977, with the following cast of characters: (in the order of their appearance)

DORA BUNNEREleanor Summerfield
PATRICK SIMMONSChristopher Scoular
MITZIMia Nadasi
RUDI SCHERZMichael Dyerball

Directed by Robert Chetwyn
Decor by Anthony Holland

Films & TV

A Murder is Announced, NBC/US, 1956
TV drama list
A Murder is Announced, BBC/UK, 1985
Agatha Christie's MISS MARPLE
A Murder is Announced, ITV/UK, 2005
Agatha Christie's MARPLE Season 1
Yokoku Satsujin, NTV/JP, 2007
TV drama list
Murder Party, FR, 2015
Les petits meurtres d'Agatha Christie Saison 2

UK/US covers

Collins / Fontana Books / HarperCollins

Dodd, Mead and Company

Pocket Books

Pan Books

Berkley Books

other publishers


Western Europe covers

Un meurtre sera commis le...

French index

Le Masque (#400) 1951

Club des Masques (#86) 1969

Le Livre de Poche (#6266) 1986

other publishers

Wie adverteert een moord

Dutch index

Ein Mord wird angekündigt // Der Täter lässt bitten

German index

Northern Europe covers

Ett mord annonseras

Swedish index

Invitation til mord // Et mord bekendtgøres

Danish index

Invitasjon til mord

Norwegian index

Kuolema ilmoittaa lehdessä

Finnish index

Dásamlegur dauði

Icelandic index

Teatame mõrvast

Estonian index

Paskelbta žmogžudystė / Skelbiama žmogžudystė

Lithuanian index

Southern Europe covers

Un delitto avrà luogo

Italian index

Se anuncia un asesinato

Spanish index

S'anuncia un assassinat

Convite para um Homicídio / Participa-se um Crime / Anúncio de um Crime

Portuguese index

Convite para um Homicídio

Participa-se um Crime

Anúncio de um Crime

Πρόσκληση σε φόνο / Πρωτότυπος φόνος / Ένα έγκλημα ανακοινώνεται

Greek index

Πρωτότυπος φόνο

Πρωτότυπος φόνος

Ένα έγκλημα ανακοινώνεται

Zakazano ubistvo / Најављује се убиство / Najavljuje se ubistvo / Najavljeno ubistvo

former Yugoslavia index

Najavljeno umorstvo

former Yugoslavia index

Zgodil se bo umor

former Yugoslavia index

Eastern Europe covers

Ohlásená vražda

Slovak index

Oznamuje se vražda

Czech index

Gyilkosság meghírdetve

Hungarian index

Предизвестено убийство

Bulgarian index

Morderstwo odbędzie się...

Polish index

O crimă anunţată // Anuntul mortuar

Romanian index

Оголошено вбивство

Ukrainian index

a.k.a. Вбивство відбудеться у п'ятницю (1985)

Объявлено убийство

Russian index

A Murder is Announced

Middle East & Asian covers

Qətl elan olunur

Azerbaijan index

Cinayet İlanı // Meşum İlan

Turkish index

Հայտարարվում է սպանություն

מודעת הרצח / מודעת רצח

Hebrew index

اعلان بالقتل / زائر نصف الليل / إعلان عن جريمة

Arabic index

إعلان عن جريمة

اعلان بالقتل

زائر نصف الليل

اعلام یک قتل

Persian index

(Gujarati) એ મર્ડર ઈઝ એનાઉન્સડ

South Asia index

এ মার্ডার ইজ অ্যানাউন্সড

South Asia index

දැනුම් දී ආ මාරයා

South Asia index

Iklan Pembunuhan

Indonesian index

ประกาศฆาตกรรม / กำหนดวันตาย / โฆษณาฆาตกรรม

Thai index




Cái Chết Được Báo Trước / Vụ giết người được báo trước

Vietnamese index

Cái Chết Được Báo Trước

Vụ giết người được báo trước

死亡舞會 / 謀殺啟事 / 谋杀启事 / 谋杀通告

Chinese index






Japanese index

살인을 예고합니다 / 예고 살인

Korean index

살인을 예고합니다

예고 살인

other language