Unfinished Portrait

written under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott
William Collins & Sons, London, 1934
Doubleday, NewYork, 1934


Bereft of the three people she has held most dear - her mother, her husband and her daughter - Celia is on the verge of suicide.
Then one night on an exotic island she meets Larraby, a successful portrait painter, and through a long night of talk reveals how she is afraid to commit herself to a second chance of happiness with another person, yet is not brave enough to face life alone. Can Larraby help Celia come to terms with the past or will they part, her outcome still uncertain?


The Island
The Woman in the Garden • Call to Action
Home • Abroad • Grannie • Death • Mother and Daughter • Paris • Grown Up • Jim and Peter • Dermot • Marriage • Motherhood • Peace • Companionship • Ivy • Prosperity • Loss • Disaster • Fear
The Island
Surrender • Reflection • Flight • Beginning

UK/US covers

Collins / Fontana Books / HarperCollins


Dell Books

other publishers

Western Europe covers

Portrait inachevé

French index

Das Unvollendete Porträt

German index

Northern Europe covers

Ofullbordat porträtt

Swedish index

Kuin muuttolintu

Finnish index

Lõpetamata portree

Estonian index

Nepabeigtais portrets

Lettish index

Southern Europe covers

Ritratto incompiuto // Due romanzi d'amore

Italian index

Retrato inacabado

Spanish index

O Retrato / Retrato inacabado

Portuguese index

Ημιτελές πορτρέτο

Greek index

Недовршени портрет / Nedovršen portret

former Yugoslavia index

Eastern Europe covers

Nedokončený portrét

Czech index

Befejezetlen portré

Hungarian index

Niedokończony portret

Polish index

Portret neterminat

Romanian index

Незавершений портрет

Ukrainian index

Неоконченный портрет

Russian index

Middle East & Asian covers

Natamam portret

Azerbaijan index

Bitmemiş Portre

Turkish index


Chinese index


Japanese index

두번째 봄 / 미완의 초상

Korean index