Murder is Easy
Dedecated to Rosalind and Susan
the first two critics of this book
Collins, London, Jun. 1939
Daily Express, Jan.10-Feb.3 1939 as 'Easy to Kill'
Dodd, Mead & Co., New York, Sep. 1939 as "Easy to Kill"
The Saturday Evening Post, Nov.19-Dec.31 1938 as 'Easy to Kill'


Luke Fizwilliam could not believe Miss Pinkerton's wild allegation that a multiple murderer was at work in the quiet English village of Wychwood ... or her speculation that the local doctor was next in line.
But within hours, Miss Pinkerton had been killed in a hit-and-run car accident. Mere coincidence? Luke was inclined to think so -- until he read in The Times of the unexpected demise of Dr Humbleby.


1. A Fellow-Traveller • 2. Obituary Notice • 3. Witch Without Broomstick • 4. Luke Makes a Begininng • 5. Visit to Miss Waynflete • 6. Hat Paint • 7. Possibilities • 8. Dr Thomas • 9. Mrs Pierce Talks • 10. Rose Humbleby • 11. Domestic Life of Major Horton • 12. Passage of Arms • 13. Miss Wayflete Talks • 14. Meditations of Luke • 15. Improper Conduct of a Chauffeur • 16. The Pineapple • 17. Lord Whitfield Talks • 18. Conference in London • 19. Broken Engagement • 20. We're in it -- Together • 21. 'O Why Do You Walk Through the Fields in Gloves?' • 22. Mrs Humbleby Speaks • 23. New Beginning


Luke Williams • Jimmy Lorrimer • Bridget Conway • Honoria Waynflete • Lavinia • Dr.Thomas • Major Horton • Abbot • Mr.Ellsworthy

Films & TV

Murder is Easy, US, 1982
TV drama list
Murder is Easy, ITV/UK, 2009
Agatha Christie's MARPLE Season 4
Un meurtre est-il facile?, FR, 2015
Les petits meurtres d'Agatha Christie Saison 2

UK/US covers

Collins / Fontana Books / HarperCollins

Dodd, Mead and Company / Grosset&Dunlap

Pocket Books

Pan Books

Penguin Books

other publishers


Western Europe covers

Un meurtre est-il facile?

French index

Le Masque (#564) 1957

Club des Masques (#13) 1966

Le Livre de Poche

other publishers

Moord is kinderspel // Is Moord Kinderspel?

Dutch index

Das Sterben in Wychwood

German index

Northern Europe covers

Mord är lätt

Swedish index

Let at myrde // Ulykke eller mord? / Mord er let

Danish index

Mord er ingen sak

Norwegian index

Neiti Pinkertonin salaisuus

Finnish index

Morð er leikur einn

Icelandic index

Kerge on tappa

Estonian index

Southern Europe covers

È troppo facile

Italian index

Matar es fácil

Spanish index

Assassinar és fàcil

É Fácil Matar / Matar é Fácil

Portuguese index

É Fácil Matar

Matar é Fácil

Ο φόνος είναι εύκολος

Greek index

Ubistvo je lako

former Yugoslavia index

Ubiti je Lako

former Yugoslavia index

Nesigurna igra

former Yugoslavia index

Eastern Europe covers

Vraždiť je hračka

Slovak index

Vždyt' je to hračka

Czech index

Gyilkolni könnyű // A gyűlölet őrültje

Hungarian index

Да се убива е лесно

Bulgarian index

Morderstwo to nic trudnego

Polish index

E uşor să ucizi

Romanian index

Убить легко

Russian index

Middle East & Asian covers

მოკვლა ადვილია

Georgian index

Zehiri Kim Verdi // Kolay Cinayet / Yedi Sigara

Turkish index

תעלומת הבלש החובב

Hebrew index

القتل السهل / الجنون القاتل

Arabic index

القتل السهل

الجنون القاتل

رعب في المدينة

قتل آسان است

Persian index

(Malayalam) കൊലപാതകം എളുപ്പമാണ് (Kolapathakam Eluppamanu)

South Asia index

মার্ডার ইজ ইজি

South Asia index

Membunuh itu Gampang // Membunuh Itu Mudah

Indonesian index

อุบัติเหตุ? / พยาบาทฆาตกรรม / ฆ่ากันนั้นมันหมู

Thai index



Chết Như Chơi

Vietnamese index

逆我者亡 / 步步疑雲 / 殺人不難 / 杀人不难 / 谋杀并不难 / 谋杀并不难

Chinese index








Japanese index

살인은 쉽다 / 위치우드 살인사건

Korean index

살인은 쉽다

위치우드 살인사건